What kind of Cybersecurity problems can we help solve?
Here are just a few samples...
Cybersecurity Practice
Data Breach Prevention, Response, & Litigation
Cyber attacks, such as hacking of corporate websites and personal computers are increasingly common. Such attacks can be extremely harmful to companies and individuals alike, especially when a data breach leads to the unauthorized disclosure of confidential business and/or personal/sensitive consumer information. When companies are victims of data breaches, they can face hefty civil penalties, injunctions, even criminal liability if they are found liable due to negligence and failure to meet the standard of care.
Translate technical assessments into practical explanations of legal and business risk
Provide insurance advice, including reviewing extent of coverage under traditional policies and new cyber insurance policies
Assist companies with issues regarding notification of breaches or potential insurance policy claims
Conduct sophisticated internal investigations
Help determine potential source and scope of breach
Assess regulatory compliance requirements
Privileged retention of forensic vendors
Review notifications and call center response efforts
Crisis communication management and the preparation for potential litigation
Conduct after-action reviews
Engage on behalf of client with Law Enforcement (LE) and other government officials
Interaction and advocacy before federal and state regulators and the FTC
Litigation support
Cyber-security experts project the number of hacking attacks and other types of cybercrime will only continue to grow as more facets of life go online. As the Internet of Things evolves, potential damages from cybercrime expands beyond mere data loss and can indirectly or directly include physical destruction of property, personal injury, and/or loss of life.
Assist in gathering and retaining forensic evidence
Assist client response to Ransomware and other data destruction incidents
Represent individual clients or classes who seek restitution after suffering harm due to incidents of cybercrime
Address legal issues surrounding investigation of and response to APT (advanced persistent threat) incidents
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Advise companies seeking government contracts within critical infrastructure sectors on compliance with existing legal requirements relating to critical infrastructure protection
Advise companies within critical infrastructure sectors on prospective new regulations emanating from Congress and the Executive Branch
Advise security and telecommunications companies seeking to adapt technologies for use by the DOD, DHS, and LE
IT Procurement, Outsourcing, & Export Controls
Assist in negotiating transactions involving IT systems and IT-related functions
Advise clients on the CFIUS process and cybersecurity
Represent clients before relevant regulatory bodies on cybersecurity issues relating to ITAR, EAR, and OFAC
Corporate & Commercial Transactions
Help address risks in transactions and third-party relationships
Global M&A, strategic collaborations, and vendor relationships
Protect use and disclosure of sensitive data and crafted data rights
Assess risks in deals, draft and negotiate agreements, and develop third-party risk management programs
Commercial arbitration
Cybersecurity Public Policy, Counseling, & Advocacy
Big Data
Cyber Warfare
Ed. Tech
Other Information Technology Related Legal Services
Commercial Contracts
Corporate Governance
Human Resources
Intellectual Property
Pre-litigation Dispute Resolution
Acquisition Due Diligence
The internet, software, and technology are so pervasive that we can’t remember having ever lived without them. They make our lives simpler, but behind the curtain there are fluctuating challenges and opportunities that our firm can help you manage.